contact the reunion committee
Bethel High School Logo

CLASS OF '79  


E-mails on File
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Unverified Addresses
No Address On File

Reunion Committee:
Jo Jo Bryant Randolph
Shelley Causey Perry
Jenna Cowan Heuser
Victor Morgan
Steve Vick
Renate Yarborough Sanders

Website Admin:
Steve Vick

128 of us have added our profiles to the Alumni Directory, so far.

Combined, we have 259 children, 122 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.

14 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces for a combined total of 235 years, including 3 still on active duty.

83 of us spent a combined total of 254 years earning 19 Associates, 55 Bachelors, 15 Masters and 3 Doctorate degrees.

Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 49 U.S. States or Territories, and another has visited 22 foreign countries.

11 of us have birthdays this month, and 4 of us have birthdays in March.

Currently, 10 of us are retired.

The Alumni Directory

(Add your profile. It's 100% FREE!)




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Top Songs: 1978-1979
message board  | in memoriam '79  | online RSVP form

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M E S S A G E   B O A R D

Don't be shy!  We want to hear from you!
Your Name:

Your e-Mail:
Write your message here:

   (Your IP: 
Note: Sharing your e-mail address is optional. All other information is required.

  87 messages have been added so far.

 Turning 50 Party -- by: Vincent WrightOct. 16, 2011 - 8:58:39PM  
Good evening gents,

Contacting you from Northern Virginia and I'm very interested in attending the upcoming Turning 50. Will the party be in October or are we looking at November? Thanks guys..


 Memoriam -- by: Tom LenningJun. 13, 2011 - 10:34:48PM  
Dietmar T. Birkl Passed away May 21,2010 The Obit can still be viewed at the following Link. http://obit.covenantfuneralservice.com/wrapper_gb.php?id=789844&clientid=covenantfuneralservice&listing=Current

 Hello -- by: Jack HarrisonMay. 23, 2011 - 7:02:54AM  
Wish I had known there was a 30th. Hope to get info on the 35th.

 new email address -- by: Felicia 'Fish" TylerDec. 12, 2010 - 1:22:17AM  
My new email address is feliciadst@cox.net

 No Subject -- by: Kelly Manning WalterAug. 10, 2009 - 3:51:33AM  
Had a great time at the reunion. Look forward to the "turning 50 party". Keep me posted on the plans. To the committee- great job on the organizing and the website for the 30th reunion.

It was so good to see everyone.

Kelly Manning Walter midniteangel711@yahoo.com

 Saturday night pics -- by: alan everton (aka" Dwayne")Aug. 8, 2009 - 8:29:40PM  
Thanks for the pictures..people have changed alot in 30 years, I can only recognize Sean Gatz , Bob Bailey and Liz Lafoon from the pictures..the rest are a bit fuzzy(recognition wise) to me..sorry:)

 Correction on previous massage -- by: Kevin M WilliamsAug. 7, 2009 - 7:10:11PM  
That's Hope to see at the next one.

 No Subject -- by: Kevin M WilliamsAug. 7, 2009 - 7:06:43PM  
Sorry that I could not make any events. Looking through the pic's I recongize a few. Oh how things come up. But plan on making the 35th. Looks like everyone had a great time. Great web site. How to those at the next one.

 Reunion -- by: Debbie Gore LutherAug. 7, 2009 - 5:13:40PM  
A big thanks to everyone that had a part in planning the 30 year reunion. I had a great time and now wished I had gone to all the events instead of just going Saturday night! It was great to see so many old friends and to know that everyone is still just as fun and crazy as we were way back in the good old days!

 3oth meet n Greet pics -- by: alan everton (aka" Dwayne")Aug. 6, 2009 - 5:14:54PM  
Thanks for the pictures of the meet and greet...unfortunately for me, i didn't recognize most of the people in the pictures (only wish more "now" pics had been posted on the site.) Great job never the less.

 Great 30th Reunion -- by: William RevellsJul. 31, 2009 - 11:32:47PM  
I had a great time. The reunion committee did an excellent job organizing the weekend. Plus our website is a great tool. I look forward to our next event.

Class of 79 take care.

 Good Times! -- by: Paul McCrickardJul. 29, 2009 - 10:16:42PM  
Sorry I was only able to make the picnic Sunday, we had a good time catching up with some old faces. Great job to the committee, it went very smoothly.

 No Subject -- by: andrew watkinsJul. 28, 2009 - 10:01:41PM  
Sorry I missed the fun! Living deep in the heart of Texas! Found alot of "old" friends on facebook. Would love to hear from all! Andrew Watkins

 Had a GREAT time -- by: Gina WilliamsJul. 28, 2009 - 4:10:17PM  
Steve, Robin, Eddie... and all who organized it this time: I know a lot of time went into the planning of this weekend -- thank you all so much! Awesome job. Everything was so well planned -- good food and good accomodations for a great price. Looking forward to seeing the pictures posted. It was great talking to those who came and hope to see the others next time.

 No Subject -- by: Sonny DJul. 28, 2009 - 1:36:38PM  
Hooah -- what a great weekend. Had a BALL - looking forward to the next one

Sonny D

 Reunion -- by: Ursula Rene Stewart (Tyler)Jul. 27, 2009 - 12:07:54PM  
This weekend was great! Thanks to the committee for doing an excellent job of preparing events and contacting classmates. I look forward to the next reunion. For those of you who attended, it was great seeing you!

 No Subject -- by: Carla (Darby) PotterJul. 27, 2009 - 12:04:32PM  
I had a MARVELOUS time Friday evening. Thank you to the reunion committee for doing a great job. I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend Saturday and Sunday. It was great seeing everyone and I wished more of our classmates could have attended. I look forward to the 35th.

 BHS Reunion -- by: Denise Talton AustinJul. 27, 2009 - 8:27:43AM  
It was great to see everyone that I could remember, it took me a while for the faces to come to me and then their names shortly followed. The committee did a wonderful job, please keep me inform for the 35th BHS Reunion.

 Reunion -- by: Shelley Causey PerryJul. 26, 2009 - 10:39:24PM  
Thanks everyone for coming to the 30th reunion and making it a success. If you could not attend you missed a great time and hope to see you at the 35th. I had a great time and it was nice to see so may classmates again. I especially would to thank all who came from out of town for this.

 Reunion -- by: Mike ArthurJul. 26, 2009 - 7:05:20PM  
Reunion Committe:

Thanks to all of you for your hard work. We had a great time on both nights. It was good to see everyone. Great Job!!! Still sore from the limbo, hula hoop and leading the Richard Simmons aerobic class to YMCA.

Take Care,

Mike Arthur


t h e   c l a s s   o f   1 9 7 9
M E S S A G E   B O A R D

Don't be shy!  We want to hear from you!
Your Name:

Your e-Mail:
Write your message here:

   (Your IP: 
Note: Sharing your e-mail address is optional. All other information is required.

  87 messages have been added so far.

 Turning 50 Party -- by: Vincent WrightOct. 16, 2011 - 8:58:39PM  
Good evening gents,

Contacting you from Northern Virginia and I'm very interested in attending the upcoming Turning 50. Will the party be in October or are we looking at November? Thanks guys..


 Memoriam -- by: Tom LenningJun. 13, 2011 - 10:34:48PM  
Dietmar T. Birkl Passed away May 21,2010 The Obit can still be viewed at the following Link. http://obit.covenantfuneralservice.com/wrapper_gb.php?id=789844&clientid=covenantfuneralservice&listing=Current

 Hello -- by: Jack HarrisonMay. 23, 2011 - 7:02:54AM  
Wish I had known there was a 30th. Hope to get info on the 35th.

 new email address -- by: Felicia 'Fish" TylerDec. 12, 2010 - 1:22:17AM  
My new email address is feliciadst@cox.net

 No Subject -- by: Kelly Manning WalterAug. 10, 2009 - 3:51:33AM  
Had a great time at the reunion. Look forward to the "turning 50 party". Keep me posted on the plans. To the committee- great job on the organizing and the website for the 30th reunion.

It was so good to see everyone.

Kelly Manning Walter midniteangel711@yahoo.com

 Saturday night pics -- by: alan everton (aka" Dwayne")Aug. 8, 2009 - 8:29:40PM  
Thanks for the pictures..people have changed alot in 30 years, I can only recognize Sean Gatz , Bob Bailey and Liz Lafoon from the pictures..the rest are a bit fuzzy(recognition wise) to me..sorry:)

 Correction on previous massage -- by: Kevin M WilliamsAug. 7, 2009 - 7:10:11PM  
That's Hope to see at the next one.

 No Subject -- by: Kevin M WilliamsAug. 7, 2009 - 7:06:43PM  
Sorry that I could not make any events. Looking through the pic's I recongize a few. Oh how things come up. But plan on making the 35th. Looks like everyone had a great time. Great web site. How to those at the next one.

 Reunion -- by: Debbie Gore LutherAug. 7, 2009 - 5:13:40PM  
A big thanks to everyone that had a part in planning the 30 year reunion. I had a great time and now wished I had gone to all the events instead of just going Saturday night! It was great to see so many old friends and to know that everyone is still just as fun and crazy as we were way back in the good old days!

 3oth meet n Greet pics -- by: alan everton (aka" Dwayne")Aug. 6, 2009 - 5:14:54PM  
Thanks for the pictures of the meet and greet...unfortunately for me, i didn't recognize most of the people in the pictures (only wish more "now" pics had been posted on the site.) Great job never the less.

 Great 30th Reunion -- by: William RevellsJul. 31, 2009 - 11:32:47PM  
I had a great time. The reunion committee did an excellent job organizing the weekend. Plus our website is a great tool. I look forward to our next event.

Class of 79 take care.

 Good Times! -- by: Paul McCrickardJul. 29, 2009 - 10:16:42PM  
Sorry I was only able to make the picnic Sunday, we had a good time catching up with some old faces. Great job to the committee, it went very smoothly.

 No Subject -- by: andrew watkinsJul. 28, 2009 - 10:01:41PM  
Sorry I missed the fun! Living deep in the heart of Texas! Found alot of "old" friends on facebook. Would love to hear from all! Andrew Watkins

 Had a GREAT time -- by: Gina WilliamsJul. 28, 2009 - 4:10:17PM  
Steve, Robin, Eddie... and all who organized it this time: I know a lot of time went into the planning of this weekend -- thank you all so much! Awesome job. Everything was so well planned -- good food and good accomodations for a great price. Looking forward to seeing the pictures posted. It was great talking to those who came and hope to see the others next time.

 No Subject -- by: Sonny DJul. 28, 2009 - 1:36:38PM  
Hooah -- what a great weekend. Had a BALL - looking forward to the next one

Sonny D

 Reunion -- by: Ursula Rene Stewart (Tyler)Jul. 27, 2009 - 12:07:54PM  
This weekend was great! Thanks to the committee for doing an excellent job of preparing events and contacting classmates. I look forward to the next reunion. For those of you who attended, it was great seeing you!

 No Subject -- by: Carla (Darby) PotterJul. 27, 2009 - 12:04:32PM  
I had a MARVELOUS time Friday evening. Thank you to the reunion committee for doing a great job. I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend Saturday and Sunday. It was great seeing everyone and I wished more of our classmates could have attended. I look forward to the 35th.

 BHS Reunion -- by: Denise Talton AustinJul. 27, 2009 - 8:27:43AM  
It was great to see everyone that I could remember, it took me a while for the faces to come to me and then their names shortly followed. The committee did a wonderful job, please keep me inform for the 35th BHS Reunion.

 Reunion -- by: Shelley Causey PerryJul. 26, 2009 - 10:39:24PM  
Thanks everyone for coming to the 30th reunion and making it a success. If you could not attend you missed a great time and hope to see you at the 35th. I had a great time and it was nice to see so may classmates again. I especially would to thank all who came from out of town for this.

 Reunion -- by: Mike ArthurJul. 26, 2009 - 7:05:20PM  
Reunion Committe:

Thanks to all of you for your hard work. We had a great time on both nights. It was good to see everyone. Great Job!!! Still sore from the limbo, hula hoop and leading the Richard Simmons aerobic class to YMCA.

Take Care,

Mike Arthur



•• ALUMNI ••

Alumni Directory
Alumni Tribute

Michael Arthur  
David Austin  
Robert Bailey  
Reginald Breeden  
Stephany Carpenter Boggs  
Shelley Causey Perry  
Ann Crawford Brewer  
Rachel Green Pittman  
Deborah Elizabeth Johnson  
Thomas Lenning  
Michelle Palmer-Johnson  
William Walls Jr.  
Phyllis Weaver  
Kevin Williams  
Joseph Wingard  

sign in to see dates

David Austin  
Harry Covert  
Sean Gatz  
Richard Jackson  
Glenn Jones  
Marcella Leach Ray  
Mark Roberts  
Robert Spring  
Rudy Tingelhoff  
Daniel Treacy  
Frederick Whittington, Jr.  
Joseph Wingard  
Ethel Wright Maxwell  
Vincent Wright, Sr.  

sign in for details


Classmates in the U.S.
 District of Columbia
 Florida 12 
 Georgia 11 
 Maryland 12 
 New Hampshire
 New Jersey
 New Mexico
 North Carolina 19 
 South Carolina
 Virginia 261 
 West Virginia

Classmates Abroad:



Totals include confirmed and unconfirmed addresses as input by the reunion committee.

Website Questions, Problems or Suggestions? Contact the programmer HERE.
(Note: Please use the "Contact Us" link in the left column to contact your Reunion Organizing Committee.)

BethelReunions.com is independently operated and is not affiliated with
Bethel High School or Hampton City Schools.